Become a Friend
Who we are
The Friends of the Public Gardens (TFPG) is an incorporated society dedicated to the preservation, enhancement, protection and promotion of the Halifax Public Gardens for the continued enjoyment of everyone.
TFPG, established in 1984, meets monthly to conduct the business of the society.
Members are local and international individuals, organizations and businesses who value this unique National Historic Site in the heart of Halifax.
For the love of the Gardens,
become a FRIEND!
Lifetime Membership $250
Family Membership $25
Annual Membership $10
Ways to Join
2. Interac e-transfer - send to
Name: TFPG
Suggested Security Question: Name the nymph atop the Victoria Jubilee Fountain
Answer: Egeria
[If you are a new member, please include your mailing address, phone number, and email address in the message box of your E-transfer.]