THE FARM TEAM performed every Thursday throughout the summer. SEASON FINALE 2024: Left to right: Alistair Maksym, Piano; Don Clark, Guitar and Vocal; Iris Black, Fiddle and Vocal; Amelia Parker, Guest Fiddler; Doug Clooney, Base
Saturday, June 22, 2024 — Click to enlarge photos
Anna Quon, Halifax Poet Laureate, 2024
Victoria Day Tea Party 2024
Click to enlarge photos
Presented by the Halifax Regional Municipality and the Friends of the Public Gardens
between Nov. 26, 2022, and Jan. 1, 2023
Halifax Competing for Most Biodiverse City
Global’s Eilish Bonang sits down with Friends of the Public Gardens chair, Judith Cabrita, to talk about the upcoming nature challenge which has cities across the world vying for the title of ‘Most Biodiverse’ through the iNaturalist app. April 2023.
Oak tree planted in honour of the
Coronation of King Charles III
The Friends of the Public Gardens and the Monarchist League
welcomed the public to the special event held in the
Halifax Public Gardens on May 5, 2023
Tuesday, June 27, 2023
July 25, 2023
Halifax Public Gardens ceremony honours
Queen Elizabeth
A bench commemorating Queen Elizabeth II's Platinum Jubilee was unveiled in the Halifax Public Gardens on Saturday, Sept. 10, 2022. (Jeorge Sadi/CBC)
Dozens gathered at the event Saturday morning, organized by the local branch of the Monarchist League of Canada and the Friends of the Public Gardens.
The Platinum Jubilee celebrated Queen Elizabeth's 70th anniversary on the throne. Celebrations were held around the world in 2022. The Halifax ceremony was scheduled before the Queen's death on Thursday, September 8, 2022.
The "Plant a Tree for the Jubilee" initiative in the United Kingdom inspired the initiative.
Diana Returned
Diana is once again enjoying her commanding view of the Gardens. Her sister statue Ceres has returned also, and Flora was restored and returned in the Spring of 2022.
Annual General Meeting — Tuesday, May 31, 2022
Henri Dominique Paratte, Chair, Board of Directors, Halifax Public Gardens presents a thank you gift to Guest Speaker, Cathy McCarthy, President, McNabs Island Society for her presentation on McNabs Island's Victorian Garden.
Paint the Gardens’ Trees
Wednesday, September 14, 2022
9:00am - 5:00pm
In late July, many of the beautiful, priceless trees in the Public Gardens were attacked and seriously damaged. Since then, the general public has offered good wishes, prayers, and donations as we await word on how the trees are healing.
Now, The Friends of the Public Gardens invite artists to celebrate the trees by participating in a Paint the Gardens’ Trees day.
Puppet Show in the Gardens on July 24, 2021
The puppet show is for kiddies aged
18 months – 6 years old
November 26 - December 19, 2021
Evergreen Festival is a 4-week-long outdoor winter showcase of Nova Scotian culture, food, spirits, craft, art, and memorable experiences to celebrate and embrace the essence of the season. Retailers, restaurants, hotels, attractions, public spaces throughout the Halifax region will bring to life illuminations, programming, and animations that create a festive feeling of celebration!
Halifax Public Gardens Holiday Light Display
6 pm - 9 pm every night of the week
until January 1, 2022
Photograph by Frank Scheme
Pose As Diana Contest — 2020
Our contest ran from July 18th until September 15th. One winner was chosen bi-weekly for 8 weeks.
Our judges selected the 'best' Diana photo submitted during each period. Winning photos were posted on our website and Facebook page. The winners received a $35 gift certificate from either Bookmark on Spring Garden Road, or Carrefour Atlantic Emporium in Historic Properties Market Mall on Upper Water Street.
Check out the photos in the live statue and gallery sections!
Life Statues in the Gardens — 2020
Victoria Day Tea Party — 2019
Red Spruce Mould Making — 2019
Text–A–Tree Project - July 7 - August 31, 2019
The results of the Text-A-Tree Project are in and available to the public! These are the results of the first round of analyses from the project this summer. Julietta Sorrensen Kass was floored by the response rate, but also by the depth of emotions shared with our trees. Grab a hot cup of comfort and browse through everything they have learned. It is posted on or click here for a pdf: Text-A-Tree Final Report.pdf
For more information visit the Text-A-Tree website.
Article in The Star: Text-A-Tree
CTV Interview: Julietta Sorrensen Kass
Walkway Dedication — 2018
The Monarchist League of Canada, Halifax and South West Nova Scotia Branch, Halifax Regional Municipality and The Friends of The Public Gardens hosted a reception following
the dedication. Honoured guests included: His Honour The Honourable Arthur J. LeBlanc, Lieutenant Governor of Nova Scotia; Her Honour, Mrs. Patsy LeBlanc; Andy Fillmore,
Member of Parliament for Halifax and Deputy Mayor Waye Mason for the Halifax Regional Municipality.
The Agave Americana in the Gardens — 2018
Thanks to Global News for a wonderful article and for providing this week's 'agave update'. The stalks on the ends of the branches bloomed in mid-July.
Visitors, both locals and tourists, kept the area buzzing with conversation and lots of picture taking.
The Halifax Public Gardens has been home to this Agave plant for more than two decades. Agave plants flower only once in their approximately 25-year life cycle.
Global News Report by Alexa MacLean
Report and Video -
Nocturne At Night - 2018 - Artists in Residence
The Joseph Howe Festival 1973-1985
The Joseph Howe Festival was held to celebrate the renowned politician who advocated for freedom of the press and responsible government.