List of Donors
We would like to thank the following individuals and companies, for their contributions.
Their generosity has enabled us to allocate funds toward projects and activities, which support the Halifax Public Gardens.
For a list of Donors who contributed to the Victoria Jubilee Campaign click here.
The Friends of the Public Gardens Donors
$100,000 or more
Mary Margaret Jarvis, Halifax, in memory of her father Thomas Wallace
$20,000 or more
Halifax Regional Water Commission
$5,000 or more
Canadian Heritage: 2012 Diamond Jubilee Community Celebrations
Councillor Jerry Blumenthal, HRM District 11, North End Halifax
Councillor Dawn Sloane, HRM District 12, Halifax Downtown
Councillor Sue Uteck, HRM District 13, Northwest Arm – South End Halifax
Department of Canadian Heritage: 2012 Diamond Jubilee Community Celebrations
Residents of HRM District 14, Connaught – Quinpool, Halifax
The Halifax Foundation, Halifax
$1,000 or more
Ambassatours Gray Line
Anonymous (2)
Barbara E. Carleton, Chester, NS
Charitable Irish Society of Halifax
Councillor Bob Harvey, HRM District 20, Lower Sackville
Councillor David Hendsbee, HRM District 3, Preston-Lawrencetown-Chezzetcook
Councillor Linda Mosher, HRM District 17, Purcell’s Cove-Armdale
Councillor Mary Wile, HRM District 10, Clayton Park West
Dora Construction Limited, Halifax
Edmonds Landscape & Construction Services, Halifax
The Fares Family Foundation
Serena Graham-Dwyer, Bedford, NS
Susan Kerslake, Halifax
Beryl MacDonald, Halifax
Joyce and Gillian McCulloch, Halifax
McDougall family, Main-a-Dieu, Cape Breton
Municipal Contracting Limited, Bedford
TD Friends of the Environment Foundation
Tourism Industry Association of Nova Scotia, Halifax
Jackie & Erin Vincent,Halifax. In loving memory of Peter Vincent
In-kind Corporate Sponsors:
Lord Nelson Hotel & Suites, Halifax
RCR Hospitality Group, Halifax
Agenda Managers Inc, Halifax
Sacred Heart School of Halifax
Geoffrey Creighton Photography, Halifax
Harnish DesRosiers Chartered Accountants, Halifax
Sugah! Confectionary/ The Uncommon Group, Halifax
Westwood Developments, Halifax
Under $1000
Anonymous, Halifax, in memory of Doug Delamar
Anonymous, in memory of Suellen Murray
Anonymous, in memory of Suellen Murray
Anonymous, in memory of Suellen Murray
Anonymous, in memory of Suellen Murray
Anonymous, in memory of Suellen Murray
Anonymous, in memory of Suellen Murray
Anonymous, in memory of Suellen Murray
Anonymous, in memory of Suellen Murray
Anonymous, in memory of Suellen Murray
Sharon E. Anderson, Halifax
Kathryn Anthony, Halifax
Stephen Archibald & Sheila Stephenson, Halifax
Terry Arnasson, Halifax
Grace M. and Richard Beazley, Halifax
Lois Beed, Halifax
Joanne Belanger, Halifax, in memory of Elsie Margaret Ritcey
Helena Bilsbury, Halifax
Bruce L. Blakemore, Cape Negro, NS
Stephen Bloom, Halifax
Michelle Brown, Oshawa
Cabrita Family, Lawrencetown
Adrian Cahill, Halifax
Canadian Home Builders’ Association
Councillor Bill Karsten, HRM District 7, Portland-East Woodlawn
Daphne Carver, Halifax
Dulcie Conrad, Halifax
Diane Cornfield, Halifax
David Couse, Halifax, in memory of Eleanor Davis
Robert Crane, Halifax
Maureen Cullen, Enfield
Marie deCoste, Halifax
Michael DeCoste, Halifax, in memory of Suellen Murray
Dalhousie University, Halifax
Christine Davidson , Halifax
Joan E. Dawson, Halifax
Joyce M. Dempsey, Halifax
Erin Dobson, Halifax
Corrie Douma, Halifax
Allan Dunlop, Halifax
Kathleen Dyer, Halifax
Ruth Edsall, Halifax
Ann Maria Emmett
Howard Epstein, Halifax
Kevin Finch, in memory of Suellen Murray
Thomas Fitzgerald, Halifax
Sheila Fougere, Halifax
Henry Fuller, Baddeck, in memory of Judith Anne Rivinus Fuller
Michael Rivinus Fuller, Halifax, in memory of Judith Anne Rivinus Fuller
Nona Fuller, Halifax
Susanna Fuller, Halifax, in memory of Judith Anne Rivinus Fuller
Paul Gagne, Chelcea
Brad Goessler, Vancouver
Donald Gordon, Dartmouth
Isabel W. F. Graham, Toronto, ON
Ruth Graham, Halifax, in memory of Suellen Murray
David Griffiths, Halifax
Maxime B. Gruber, Kanata, ON
Lynn Guscott, Wellington, NS, in memory of Suellen Murray
Berniece Halliday, Halifax
Joan Harbison, Halifax
Alan R. Hebb, Burlington, ON
Christene Hirschfeld, Dartmouth, in memory of Suellen Murray
Joyce Hussey-Dempsey, Halifax
Betty K. Issenman, Halifax, in memory of Arnold Issenman
Carolyn J. Kaye, Halifax
Steven Lambert, Halifax, in memory of Mary Atkins
Norma Langille, Halifax
Regina Lannon, Halifax
Heather Laskey-O’Brien, Halifax
Patricia Leslie, Charlettetown
Mark Lewis, Halifax, in memory of William Lewis
Shirlean Lewis, Halifax
Aloma MacCormack, Halifax, in memory of Sadie and Marguerite
Margaret MacDonald, Halifax
James MacFadzean, Halifax
Angus MacGillivray, NS
Carol MacInnis, Halifax
Mrs. Marie MacInnes, Halifax, in memory of Tony Davis
Bev MacPhail, Halifax
Inge Martin, Halifax
Linda Mason , Halifax
Alexa McDonough, Halifax
Camilla Meisner, Nova Scotia
Robert Merchant, Halifax, in memory of R.T.P. Merchant
Paula Miller, Halifax
Jay Murray, Billings, MT, in memory of Suellen Murray
Dr. Jock Murray, Halifax, in memory of Suellen Murray
Dorothy Nixon, Halifax
Dr. Murray Nixon, Halifax
Heather O’Brien, Halifax
Jane Suzanne Palmer, Halifax
Parkland Estates, Halifax
Clare Parks, Halifax, in memory of Moragh Jane Parks
Mary Louise Payzant, Halifax
Mathew Peterson
Joan Pugsley, Halifax
David and Lise Porter, Dartmouth
Donna Rasmussen, Dartmouth, in memory of Lorraine Johns
Tim Reid, Halifax
Resolutes Amateur Athletic Club, Halifax
Timothy Rivinus, Cranston (USA), in memory of Judith Anne Rivinus Fuller
Steve Roberts, Halifax
Derek Ross, Bedford, in memory of Suellen Murray
Aprile Royal, Toronto, ON, in memory of Suellen Murray
Barbie Selby, Charlletesville
Brenda Shannon, in memorium to Georg & Non Wellsteed
Robbie & Jean Shaw, Halifax, in memory of Suellen Murray
Janet Shirley, Halifax
Johanne Solomon, Halifax
Dr. William Stanish, Halifax, in memory of Suellen Murray
Kathy Steen, Beford
Judith S. Sterling, Redington Shores (USA)
Kathie Swenson, Halifax
Ann-Louise Moriarty-Taylor, Bedford, in memory of Ronald Williams
Peta-Jane Temple, Halifax
Agnes Thompson, Halifax
John Tooker, Deven, USA, in memory of Suellen Murray
J. Philip Vaughan, Halifax
Lyndon Watkins, Halifax
Clyde Wetmore, Halifax
Liz Wright and Rob Brownstone, Bedford
WHW Architects, Halifax