
Online donations are quick, easy and secure.

If you wish to make a donation in support of the Public Gardens,
DONATE ONLINE by clicking the button below.

Please specify (on the Message/Instruction section of Canada Helps) what kind of donation you are making:

  • TFPG Memorial Program – Please specify who the gift is in
    memory or in honour of.

  • TFPG Legacy Program – Please specify who this donation
    is in behalf of.

  • TFPG General Fund

  • Suellen Murray Educational Bursary – You may specify
    who this donation is in behalf of.

If you would like to remain anonymous, please specify that on the Message/Instruction section.


Cheque or money order should be made payable to:
The Friends of the Public Gardens
and mailed to:
The Friends of the Public Gardens
PO Box 36013, 5665 Spring Garden Road
Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada B3J 3S9


Please contact us we will get back to you within two business days.

Tax receipts will be issued for all donations over $10

Requests for anonymity will be respected. If you do not wish to have your name listed publicly, please let us know.