Want to Become a Board Member of the
Friends of the Halifax Public Gardens?
The Friends of The Public Gardens is seeking committed, and engaged board members.
If you have an affinity for the Halifax Public Gardens or other historical aspects of our city,
you would be a great fit!
We are a volunteer-run organization and board members fulfill a number of
important responsibilities. Board member responsibilities include:
● Attending monthly board meetings and maintaining a membership
with The Friends of the Public Gardens (TFPG)
● Serving on a working committee
● Learning about and engaging in the operations, offerings, activities,
and history of TFPG and the Halifax Public Gardens
● Completing mandated diversity training
● Volunteering in the Public Gardens and at events, when possible
● Working to advance the mission of TFPG to preserve, protect, promote and
celebrate the Halifax Public Gardens
For more information, please see the board member Roles and Responsibilities Document (click here).
TFPG is particularly interested in applicants with special skills or insights including
but not limited to:
● Maintaining and protecting heritage assets
● Community-based advocacy
● Communications and marketing
● Time management
● Strategic planning
● Human resources
● Financial management (with non-profit focus)
● Legal matters
Please submit a cover letter outlining:
● Why you are interested in joining the board;
● What amount of time you are willing to contribute to Board meetings
and responsibilities;
● The skills, expertise and values that you would bring to the organization.
Including a brief resume is appreciated but not necessary.
Please send your cover letter to info@halifaxpublicgardens.ca with the
subject line: “TFPG board – letter of interest”.
We will be accepting applications until March 7, 2025.
Board members are elected for a two-year term at the AGM in May, or
may be appointed by the Board to complete the term of a resigning
board member at another time to fill a vacancy. These appointed
positions have a term that will run until May 2026. Running for
re-election following this term is an available option.